Lord Agnew, minister for the school system, wrote to Proficio Education in October 2018 to thank us for our work in helping schools with their curriculum and financial planning.
Stuart Hodgkinson’s work as an accredited School’s Resource Management Advisor was praised in the letter. As the SRMA pilot is rolled out across the country in 2019, Stuart is on the assessor panel for new SRMAs. ‘Let’s face it Heads and Principals have an extremely difficult job, and having someone who can come and give advice about getting the most out of the resources can make a huge difference.’ At its heart, the work of an SRMA is not about making efficiencies but rather ensuring that the available resources are best utilised to maximise student learning and progress and we are delighted Proficio Education is serving schools and students in this most important of ways.
To read Lord Agnew’s letter in full click here