The 2017-18 curriculum leadership programme in conjunction with St John Bosco Training School has been hailed a great success. Courses designed to provide school leadership skills in timetabling, curriculum and budgeting were well attended by senior school leaders from across the Greater Merseyside region including Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens, Wigan and Cheshire.
Stuart Hodgkinson explained that understanding the training needs of delegates and then providing both knowledge and ‘hands on’ skills is what Proficio Education courses are all about. ‘Over the last three months, I have delivered our Nova T6 Timetable Construction Course on five occasions but each time it is quite different because the requirements of the participants changes each time. I believe our training is different because we focus on people.’
Course evaluations show that this focus on participants’ needs really works, with 86% rating the courses outstanding in all aspects and the rest rating them as good.
Delegate comments include the following:
‘Learnt a lot – course full of really good ideas’ – Headteacher, Sefton
‘Great course – as a result, my curriculum planning will be better and more efficient’ – Business Manager, St Helens
‘The day was really useful and informative and the resources provided will be invaluable back in school’ – Deputy Head, Wigan
‘Stuart is an excellent facilitator and provides support after the course. He is very flexible and alters the course to meet the needs of delegates’ – Headteacher, Knowsley
‘Brilliant delivery and content’ – Assistant Headteacher, Liverpool
‘Excellent resources and expertise’ – Deputy Head, Cheshire
There will be further courses planned for Autumn 2018 so watch this space.